Nikolett Tóth-Kéry, Consulting Psychologist, Family Therapist in Training

Consulting Psychologist, Family Therapist in Training

I graduated as a psychologist from the Károli Gáspár Reformed University and as a counselling psychologist from the Eötvös Lóránd University. I am currently training as a couple and family therapist at the Hungarian Association for Family Therapy. 

In the past years I have worked as a full-time school psychologist in primary schools, where I gained a lot of experience and knowledge working with children and their parents and teachers. I first turned to the systems approach, which is the essence of family therapy work, through children: in their case, it is essential to see the child as part of and dependent on his or her family background and current environment, since it is through environmental stimuli and social connections that personality and behaviour are shaped. 

In working with adults, I consider a systems approach to be crucial because human beings are social beings, and in addition to knowing ourselves, it is also very important to be aware of how we relate to other people, what our patterns of relationships are, and how healthy and beneficial these relationships are for us, or how uneven and harmful they are for our individual development and life. 

At the Soul Key Psychology Centre I welcome couples and families who feel they need help in understanding the processes within the family system, the communication and behavioural patterns between family members, and how they can improve their family functioning.